Seven Colour Mountain

Mountain Adventure Seven Colors

Discover the thousand colors of this mountain. A famous geological gem. For the incomparable of its landscapes, known as the mountain of the 7 colors; The mountain AUSANGATE (VINICUNCA) is located only 100 km from the city of Cusco.

The mountain Seven Colorsn

The Ausangate mountain is also known as Rainbow Mountain, Cerro Colorado or Rainbow Mountain by its English name. The geographic feature belongs to the snow-covered Ausangate in the Vilcanota mountain range, and has its highest point at 5,000 m.s.n.m. The Incas believed that from this mountain was born the male energy that fertilizes the Pachamama (Mother Earth). In the mountain range of this mountain is born the Vilcanota river and flows into the Amazon.

¿ How to get?

The Arco Iris mountain (Vinicunca) is located in the province of Quispicanchis in Cusco. You can get there by boarding a vehicle from Cusco to Pitumarca. The trip takes about 3 hours and goes along the road that leads from Cusco to Puno.
Once in Pitumarca you will have to go to the village of Ocefina (Chillca), from here you can start your walk towards the 7 Colors Mountain. After 4 hours, you will arrive at the village of Machuraccay, from here you can descend to the slopes of the mountain.


The Ausangate Mountain hike is incomparable; Not only because of the unique landscapes in the world, but because in addition to the mountain itself, the trails circulate beside imposing glaciers and numerous lagoons, formed by snow melting snow in the Andes. It is a 4-day hike, and although you could do it on your own, the most recommended way to hike in Peru is through a travel agency.
Although it is not a dangerous walk, if you need to be in good shape and have the right equipment. You can choose to cross the normal route that goes along the south side of the mountain; This is the most difficult route, since in some stretches the climb requires almost vertical ice climbing. However, to give them the possibility of promotion to all people, new routes of less difficulty have been opened. The popularity of the mountain of seven colors goes up every day, take advantage now that no special permission is needed, and not many people know about it.