There are fine horses of blood are mostly hybrids, but they are the best to suit the height of the Andes, trained to walk along narrow paths and old roads of the road network of the Inka Empire. The changing geography of the Andes that gives great pleasures is the best view on the pace and gait of a horse. A tour on horseback through archaeological sites in the vicinity of Cusco, will be an unforgettable experience, including a visit to mystical Q'enqo Temple, the Temple of the Moon, the X Zone; It is rocky limestone formation type having piercings because of the action of rain and weather, they have been very well complemented by the hand of the old man to adapt and turn them into temples, enclosures, underground passages and carved figures sacred value; Puca Pucara and the water temple of Tambomachay, and then return to the stable visiting indigenous communities that continue to be interesting. It will be complemented with a visit to the megalithic Sacsayhuaman

A place to live unimagined experiences wrapped in the mysticism of the elegant walk of a spirited horse Peruvian Paso "Sacred Valley of the Incas" and touring not only important areas of archaeological interest nontraditional views; but also by natural refuges of incomparable beauty offered by the ancient Cusco. Designed programs that include visits to villages and Andean communities who keep his peculiar charm and are not within the traditional tourist programs in your journey on horseback.

Horseback Adventure Tours

  • Sacsayhuaman y los alrededores del Cusco (½ day).
  • Pumawanka (½ day).
  • Cabalgata a Inka Rakay (1 day).
  • Cabalgata a Moray (1 day).
  • Cabalgata a Pumamarka (1 day)..
  • Cabalgata a la Laguna de Yanahuara (2D/1N).
  • Cabalgata circuito "Lares - Yanahuara" (3D/2N).
  • Cabalgata circuito "Ñaupa - Cachijata" (3D/2N).
  • Cabalgata circuito "Urubamba – Lamay". (4D/3N).
  • Cabalgata circuito Urubamba (4D/3N)